3 min readNov 9, 2021


Photo by NOTAVANDAL on Unsplash

Social Media giants are being allowed to censor Americans under the guise of protecting the truth. But under the current system, I’m which these companies employ, there is zero transparency, and you can and will be silenced unless you fall in line with what they say.

The horrifying fact about this is that they have so much political power and influence to skirt the freedom of speech we are supposed to be able to have. These companies always seem left-leaning, but their policies are anything but that. Of course, they may have started with the best of intentions. Still, we now live under an authoritarian technocratic society where any notable opposition will just be shut down or not even be shown.

How is this a free society that we live under? This does not cultivate conversation; censorship only puts more power into the hands of the elites. By shutting down any civil discourse, what is deemed right or civil is only decided by the elite nameless few. These people are so self-righteous that any attempt to criticize them will be misconstrued as Racist or some phobic. I all reality, these genuine problems are being used to shut down any discourse.

The collapse of western society is happening before our very eyes, but the media giants ban descent and outright pretend it doesn't exist. When is the last time that we have seen a protest of descent towards workers' rights? They do not show you because it is not in their…




The product of the last quarter of the last year 80’s, the hopeful optimism of the 90’s, the fear and hope of the 2000’s and the uncertain 2020’s upon us.